About this Silent Auction

Hello Friends and Guests. Once again I am on a mission to raise money for charity by holding another Online Silent Auction!!! Items will be posted on this website/blog which you can bid on by identifying how much you'd be willing to donate to acquire said item. Bids are made in the comments section for each posting and you need a google account (gmail, yahoo, BlogSpot) to place a bid. The top bidder by the time the auction closes will be the winner. Winners can then combine their purchases into one donation amount on the donation website so that they can get a tax receipt.

If you live in the GTA I will arrange a drop off day that I can deliver the items to you. Anyone outside of the GTA will have to arrange/pay for their own pick up or shipping of the item(s). Please contact me if you have any questions or if you have any items you would like to donate to the Silent Auction. All donated items should be NEW or barely used. Thanks :)

This year's Charity that I am fundraising for is one that is close to my heart. PAIL network, formerly PBSO, is a small non-profit organization that helps families after the loss of a child or pregnancy. They were the first ones to help me grieve through the loss of my twins Cole and Breanna when they passed away shortly after their births in May of 2008. Alternatively, you can make your donation amount towards CasHH, Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills.


  1. How wonderful, what a great idea! I have my eye on something!

  2. Great charity, I will check from time to time for items being posted!
